Tuesday, November 12, 2013

OOTD: Taissa and Kanye. (11.12.13)

Blogspot has been changing the quality of my pictures for some reason. Sorry! I'll try to figure out how to fix it. :(

LIPS: Nightmoth Lipliner + Cyber Lipstick by M.A.C.
HAT: Black Wool Brim Hat from H&M.
TOP: Cropped Cream Jumper from H&M.
BOTTOMS: Indigo Skinnies from Silence & Noise.
SHOES: Black Suede Patch Ankle Boots from H&M.
ACCESSORIES: Sterling Silver Midi Ring from Amazon, Silver All Seeing Eye Ring thrifted from Crossroads, Mixed Metal Geometric Necklace (??)

 I haven't been sleeping very well recently. Last night I got less than an hour and a half of sleep (including the time I overslept) so I threw on something really simple -- a cropped jumper and some skinny jeans. Tried making the outfit look more put together by adding some heeled ankle boots and a hat. Wore an very bold and dramatic lip color to add some contrast to an otherwise boringly plain and casual outfit.

Finally got my hands on a pair of American Apparel Disco Pants (+ a few other things) today! Expect a mini haul coming soon on my YouTube channel: youtube.com/iminlikewithsam

IG: @ssanantonio

1 comment:

  1. Girl you are really pretty!

